Safeguarding Policy

How we protect you


  1. I have these safeguarding concerns in mind in my work:

-as a therapist for both your and my wellbeing.

-as a professional trainer and speaker for the wellbeing of the participants attending my sessions.

-mostly but not exclusively for vulnerable adults at risk of harm.

Therapeutic and training sessions can be emotive; dementia, care for vulnerable people, the impact of trauma for people living with dementia can often raise unexpected thoughts, issues and feelings especially given that the work we explore is relational.

  1. We all have different perspectives, so looking in from where I stand, there is potential to ‘see’ that which cannot be seen from the inside. When we live and work in environments daily, what might be unhealthy, traumatised or neglected, can be normalised.

Seeing from the outside looking in can be the start of healing and growth as well as an opportunity for positive personal or culture change.

  1. I always arrive at clinic, training or an event ready to work with you meaning I come prepared with therapeutic resources/course content/activities as agreed, but sometimes we may digress to better meet your needs. If I feel I cannot meet your needs, we may discuss where and who can do this at another time which may involve signposting you onwards. I may also follow up with recommended training or support needs within the bounds of confidentiality.
  2. Within therapy or training, we agree ground rules/goals which can be subject to change if that better serves our needs. This may include providing/holding space for someone to process anything that may have come up for them.

Privacy and confidentiality are upheld unless I feel harm has/is being experienced by someone. Otherwise, I will respect a person’s right to privacy and their right to have support should they feel able to receive it in a way that suits them.

  1. I may refer participants back to their own organisation’s policies and procedures or the law recommending appropriate professional advice where needed.
  2. If I believe that there is a safeguarding issuethat has not been reported, then I will report it myself. This may involve asking the local council’s safeguarding department for advice and then submitting a formal report.
  3. I take my own health and wellbeing This involves me engaging in regular therapy myself. The type of therapy changes depending on my needs at the time.
  4. Finally, safeguarding is everyone’s business.
The Little Massage Clinic

Nicolle Mitchell I.T.E.C. Dip, MFHT
Holistic Massage Consultant and Trainer
FHT Excellence in Practice –
Innovation Award Winner


Telephone: 07899 944650 (answerphone when busy, do leave a message)


The Blue Lotus Therapy Centre
Workshops 2 & 3, Scorrier House,
Redruth, TR16 5AU

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